LANGUAGE - Session Five (What's in a name?)
The querries are:
1. What if two individuals share the same name, within one family? Do they lose a part of their individuality?
2. Do the names of objects and people always give out a truthful representation of the object or the person in question? (think of the name 'Ernest')
3. The Latin Proverb reads: Nomen est Omen (names are signs/predictions). Do you agree with this?
Please comment on the following before next class (Tuesday, October 10th)
My whole life there hasn't been a single person named Tessa, and I used to find that rather annoying, and wanted to know a person with a name but it just wasn't happening, until I got used to my unique name, I met another girl named Tessa. In fact, it's her nickname, and I insist on bringing it up that it's her nckname and MY name! I know it's really self-centered, but I guess it's just a normal reaction. We identify ourselves with our name, it makes us who we are, and what we go by in the society. So I guess since I can't handle having a friend have my name as her nickname (not even her real name), it must really be hard to have the same name in one house. People identify with their names, it's who we are. We are tagged, it's a personal ID and I think that you lose a part of that feeling. I understand my name as something my own, something noone can take away from me, a tag given to me by my parents at birth, a gift and curse I carry with me till the day I die.
Luv ya all
♥ Tessa
Nomen est omen...aye it is....
*yikes, I'm starting to sound like the peeps from the cruicible! :]*
Well...pretty much...My late cat, Moce had a beautiful original name, Junior, but he was a fiesty little fellow when he was little-and it was the time of the trial of a man, Sir Ochalan (or sth like that)- so he adopted the name. About at that time, he developped a habit if spitefully peeing around the Sir Ochalan turned into Sir Mochalan <---my mom's idea :]
He got himself a whole new name, Mochalan, Moce for short....He grew out of peeing, and boy, did he grow out of scratching ppl...He became this cuddly, nice-to-everyone furball…he became our little prince ♥ but he kept the name...and got a few more...ok..a few million more ♥
My point is, when the name doesn't really fit, ppl make up nicknames :]
Like Kiwi for me...I'm green , silly, some say I'm funny, and ppl don't even know why they like (or dislike:[) me!
Idk what it is, but ppl need sth to label ppl with, so names are what they usually use...they can name u after a good thing, or they can give u a name that will haunt u through ur life (I have one of those too...In elementary school, I beat every boy who defied me, I scratched a lot I got a nickname--Claws:])
It was nice typing this comment, but as pleasurable as it was, I gotts to go to Nappa town now cos i got the yawnies,
luvvies u all and cya tomorrow at the best place on Earth!
♥ Kiwi
Rawr! Nite nite peeps :]
♥ Kiwi
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